Saturday, October 26, 2019

Political cartooning - Governor Pookie series

Just a few of my latest political cartoons lampooning our present day governorship...the Governor Pookie series.

It's been surreal

How's that shut down goin'?

Collecting taxes

Setting the bar

Beware of cronies

Baling out

More flannel

Both sides


Same 'ol same 'ol

Macaroni style
The macaroni declaration

Paper politician #1

Slimy salesman

Attend the tale

Collecting fees

Klar country

The hermaphrodite

2020 Gubernatorial race

Night terrors

Clean up green up

On our way

Last chance

Zilch if you stay

Two and a half bears

Bone doctor


Knick knack paddy whack

Adding fuel

Goat ropin' governor

Sticks and stones

Doin' the Pookie dance

A star is born

Special feature

Game of Drones

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ahmed said...
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