Sunday, March 20, 2011

Springtime in Vermont means pussy willows, maple syrup and MUD

Took a ride on the bike yesterday and brought the camera along.

Mud season in Vermont...also called the 5th season

A closer look at what can swallow up a small car

Pussy willows just beginning to blossom

Took the old bike out for a trip to my brother's sugar house

I remember picking pussy willows at this same patch in the 1960's

Pussy willows up close and personal with a sky blue background

Brother's sugar shack nestled in the woods

The new addition for the fire wood

Sap buckets long the lane

This is where the sap enters to begin the boiling process

The sugar man himself stays busy while the sap boils

Sometimes you can barely see through the sweet smelling steam

Keeping the fire going is a full time job

The sap boils high at the point of entry

The familiar sight of steam rising out through the top of the sugar house

The sugar man uses this dipper to test for readiness

The maple syrup is drawn off before its final preparation

A vintage Vermont maple syrup tin can becomes a decorative display

White Rock Maple...a continued legacy from a long line of sugar men
The finished product...yummmmmmmm!

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